13th Century
Jewish settlements in Lower Austria. Numerous communities emerge, amongst them significant ones in Vienna, Krems and Wiener Neustadt.
Rabbis verifiable in Wien and Wiener Neustadt
1st Juli 1244
Privilege duke Friedrichs II. for the Jews in the duchy of Austria
oldest preserved tombstone (Wiener Neustadt)
Privilege by P?emysl Otakar for the Jews in the duchy of Austria
first mention of a "Judenrichter" (= Christian official, who is responsible for disputes between Jews and Christians) in Krems
Privilege by Rudolfs from Habsburg for the Jews in the duchy of Austria , first mention of a tax for Jews (Laa an der Thaya)
Accusation of ritual murder against Jews in Krems
cc. 1300-1325
Construction of the synagogues in Mödling, Tulln, Korneuburg
persecution of Jews after an alleged host desecration in Korneuburg
Emperor Ludwig der Bayer enfeoffs the Habsburgs with a "Judenregal"
persecution of Jews destruction of several jewish rural communities after an alleged host desecration in Pulkau
Pestpogromes in Krems
ca. 1370-1375
Construction of the synagogues in Bruck an der Leitha und Mödling
New Privileges for Jews by the Habsburger for the duchy of Austria
„Wiener Gesera“: Murder or Expulsion from Jews who lived in Vienna and Lower Austria by duke Albrecht V.
Expulsion of Jews from Styria, including the Jews from Wiener Neustadt and Neunkirchen
Since cc. 1600
New Settlement of Jews in Vienna and Lower Austria - several rural communities arise
Second Expulsion out of Vienna and Lower Austria. After a few years a resettlement in Vienna is permitted, but the establishment of Kehilots is prohibbited
Edict of Tolerance by Josefs II.: The prohibition of resettlement in Lower Austria was loosen: Jews were allowed to settle, if the build a factory or have a "nützliches Gewerbe" (useful business)
Bourgeois Revolution: in the wake of the revolution improving the bourgeois rights of the Jews. Immigration to Lower Austria mainly from Bohemia, Moravia and (western) Hungary (Burgenland)
First Jewish Communities arise in Krems, St. Pölten, Kemmelbach, Wiener Neustadt and Sechshaus (today Vienna)
December-Constitution: brings the final legal equality
Jewish Laws (Law for the Jews) sets up a uniform legal basis and regulates the external legal relations of the IKG in the Austrian imperial realm
last arise of Jewish Communities
12nd/13rd March 1938
"Anschluss": and "Anschluss"pogromes. Nazis organize „Reibpartien“ and „Putzkolonnen“
Summer 1938
"Aryanization" are pushed forward, the expulsion forced
9th/10th November 1938
"Novemberpogroms": Synagoges and Shils were destroyed
„judenfrei“: the last Jews have to leave Lower Austria. The IKG were closed and incooperated in the IKG Vienna
Seit 1945
Attempts of community foundations in Lower Austria fail. The IKG Vienna is be the legal successor to the exterminated communities. The only community-like Jewish organization in Lower Austria today is the Synagogue Association in Baden near Vienna.